LA Corrective Mobility
Total cost: $9.00

LA Corrective Mobility

4 Weeks / 4 Days per Week / Beginner

Why Purchase

This is our CORRECTIVE MOBILITY enhancement program. We build the Mobility necessary to produce power and velocity correctly

This targeted program is for the Rotary Athlete and will address the key areas that will help you produce more power, velocity and stay safe from common baseball injuries.

If you are looking to improve your overall movement patterns this program is for you!

About Zach @

  • Zach @ Live Athletics

Dr Zach Ray is a Licensed Physical Therapist in both California and Arizona and is the lead physical therapist at Live Athletics. He has worked in the NFL, NBA and MLB as well as countless college athletic programs across the country. He currently has been installing injury prevention programs for college, high school, and professional athletes across the globe. To date...He and his practice has helped transform the performance of over 13,000 athletes from a variety of different sports. IG: @movement_is_medicine

LA Corrective Mobility
Total cost: $9.00

About Zach @

  • Zach @ Live Athletics

Dr Zach Ray is a Licensed Physical Therapist in both California and Arizona and is the lead physical therapist at Live Athletics. He has worked in the NFL, NBA and MLB as well as countless college athletic programs across the country. He currently has been installing injury prevention programs for college, high school, and professional athletes across the globe. To date...He and his practice has helped transform the performance of over 13,000 athletes from a variety of different sports. IG: @movement_is_medicine